Welcome to GAML.org
This site is dedicated to public
education and publication of information on GAML, an XML-based
format designed specifically for storing and archiving data from
a wide range of analytical instrumentation. The development of
GAML was catalyzed by a concern for protecting intellectual
property within science-based organizations and building data
management systems and processes that are compliant with Good
Laboratory Practices (GLPs),
Good Electronic Record Management
FDA 21 CFR Part 11
and other important guidelines and
While the GAML data format was originally developed with the goal
of preserving the content of data sets generated from laboratory
instrumental analyses, its design is flexible enough to
accommodate many different types of data. In addition, being
based on XML gives GAML a significant advantage in terms of
extensibility to be able to address new types of instrumental
analyses not even available today, while at the same time
preserving 100% back compatibility. This is a significant
advancement over 'static' representations when one considers
that, depending on an organization's business and regulatory
compliance goals, electronic record management practices may
require storage of data for many years, or even decades.
Please feel free to use the information on GAML.org to learn more
about this exciting technology. Use of the GAML schema is
license-free provided it is used in its entirety and not modified
in any way. All information posted at this site is in the public
domain except where specifically indicated. Where links to other
web sites are used, the publishers of those sites are responsible
for the publication rights and ownership of their own
information. GAML.org is not responsible for the content or usage
rights of any information on other web sites.